Vermont Just Justice is collecting anonymous stories about people’s experiences with physical and mental healthcare in Vermont prisons, as part of an effort to demand more accountability from the Department of Corrections (DOC) and better healthcare for our incarcerated community members. 

We will share these stories publicly on our blog and with the Joint Legislative Justice Oversight Committee before they meet with DOC leadership on July 11. We also might want to share them at our July 9 rally in Brattleboro (let us know if you’d prefer we didn’t). We know DOC only wants to share their side of the story. We need people to know the truth about what incarcerated Vermonters are forced to endure.

If you have an incarcerated friend or loved one, or you yourself were once in prison in Vermont, your stories are important. Please fill out the form linked below. If you know someone else who should see this form, please share with them. Let’s let the legislature and the DOC know that we care, and we will hold them accountable. If you have any questions about this project, please email

The form is here:


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Vermont Just Justice is an all-volunteer organization. Help us continue to support Vermont’s incarcerated people and change our state’s criminal legal system.